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1. Who can make a job offer?
A job offer is made by an employer that requires the services of a foreign individual in Canada. The most common situation, of course, is for the offer to be made by a Canadian company seeking to engage a foreign worker. However, alternate situations may exist which may mean that the offer is issued under other circumstances. Examples may include:

- an offer made by a foreign employer seeking the employment of an individual at the location of a Canadian client site;
- an offer made by a foreign company seeking to transfer an existing employee to a new Canadian division;
- A request by a Canadian company to enlist the services of the employee of a foreign company through a contract for services.

2. What should be contained in the job offer?
The job offer should contain the details of the position being offered, including: the title of the position being sought in Canada; the responsibilities associated with that position; remuneration for employment; the duration of the position; and the location of employment.

Depending on the specific category of the work permit application, additional details or supporting documentation may have to be included.

3. Can I seek a work permit without a job offer?
The answer is almost always no. Although it may not take the form of a typical job offer, there must be a specific position of employment or business interest being pursued in Canada. It is not possible to seek a work permit for the purpose of seeking employment in Canada. If you do not have a job offer, then you may wish to consider immigration to Canada as a permanent resident in a different category.

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